Friday, February 18, 2011

Bloggers Needed For The Missing

Bloggers4 the Missing is a "sister blogsite" of Peace4 the Missing ...

Bloggers4 the Missing
In an effort towards bringing further awareness of and for our missing loved ones, Peace4 the Missing is looking for bloggers willing, able and dedicated towards using their writing skills in order to increase the voice volume of those yet needing to be found.

If you would be willing to volunteer towards these efforts please submit your missing persons blog entry via email to ... along with your name and links to info if applicable.

We will notify you if your entry has been accepted and if so the date upon it will be published.

Thanks to all the many of you with such compassionate hearts for the missing from which your voices are heard.

Together, we truly CAN accomplish so much ... so let's get going on and do it ... much gratitude for all those jumping on board.